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Geotab’s Guide to Winter-Proofing Your EV

6 winter driving tips to prepare EV owners

Charlotte Argue

By Charlotte Argue

October 24, 2024


1 minute read

EV driving on winter road with snowy trees

As the chill of winter returns, electric vehicle (EV) owners face the annual challenge of conserving range when the temperature dips into the negative. Luckily, Geotab has some winter driving tips to help break the ice.  

What are the problems with EVs in winter?

Can electric cars handle winter? While most EVs can handle winter driving conditions,  their Achilles’ heel is loss of range. This is because it takes energy to keep the batteries and occupants warm on those cold days. Our analysis shows that EVs can lose as much as 50% of range at -4 degrees Fahrenheit. While some range-loss is unavoidable, there are things a driver can do to mitigate this.

Plug in to ward off the winter chill

When temperatures plunge, keeping your electric vehicle plugged in is important. This practice is not just about charging the vehicle but also about allowing the EV to regulate its battery temperature, which can extend the lifespan of your battery. Additionally, you can preheat your EV while it's still plugged in, so your vehicle is already warm when you get behind the wheel!

Heat yourself, not the air 

Did you know that heating the air in your EV can consume between 3,000 to 5,000 watts of power? Instead of heating your cabin, Geotab recommends taking advantage of heated seats and steering wheels. This more direct heating method uses roughly 75 watts and warms you up through direct contact. This simple switch can significantly impact preserving your EV’s range. 

Tires: The pressure's on

Tire pressure tends to drop with plummeting temperatures, increasing rolling resistance and draining your range. Geotab emphasizes the importance of checking tire pressure monthly, especially during the winter season, to ensure your EV runs efficiently.

Smooth moves on slippery roads

Winter is no time for abrupt maneuvers. Smooth, conservative driving is not only safer but more energy efficient. It helps to maximize the regenerative braking system, giving you more mileage from your battery. 

Eco mode: The EV winter warrior

When navigating icy roads, activating your EV’s eco mode is beneficial. This setting conserves energy by limiting power output and also moderates your vehicle’s acceleration. Doing so reduces the likelihood of wheel spin and traction loss, contributing to a safer and more controlled driving experience during your winter commute. 

Don’t forget about speed

Did you know that under certain conditions, speed can have a greater impact on range than temperature? Geotab research indicates that the impact of speed becomes more dominant at higher speeds and in larger vehicles. So not only does sticking to the speed limit help keep you safe, but it also allows you to conserve your range.


Learn more about the impacts temperature and speed can have on your EV with Geotab’s interactive temperature and speed analysis.

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Charlotte Argue
Charlotte Argue

Charlotte Argue joined Geotab in 2019 and is a thought leader on electric vehicles (EVs), working on accelerating EV uptake since 2009.

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