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IPv6: Are we prepared?

Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) will expand the Internet addressing system, enabling true direct device-to-device communication.


By Geotab

December 27, 2023


1 minute read

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For IT Managers, you should be wondering how IPv4 or IPv6 could affect your database residing on

IPv6 readiness: What do I need to know?

Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) is what your computers use to identify and communicate with each other on internal networks in addition to the Internet. At the time that it was designed, no one could have foreseen the growth in devices and the Internet as it stands today. Businesses everywhere are quickly running out of IPv4 addresses and have now implemented solutions, such as Network Address Translation, to cater for this. As a result, there have been extra levels of complexity in device communication.


Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) was designed to replace the aging IPv4 by expanding the Internet addressing system and allowing for true direct device-to-device communication. Typically, the changeover process is slow and businesses will be using IPv4 for a long time. It is, however, gaining momentum.


See also: What’s new in MyGeotab — Version 7.0

How is Geotab managing IPV6?

At Geotab, we are in the process of testing an IPv6 implementation. Our data centers have already implemented changes and we hope to report soon that we are running a dual-stack solution. We encourage you to also be a part of the growing IPv6 Internet and can benefit from the enhancements.


To learn more, please contact Geotab.

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