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What if Santa’s sleigh had Geotab tracking?

Imagine if we were able to install a Geotab GO device on Santa’s sleigh! How telematics can help the jolly old elf deliver presents efficiently and on-time.

Nadine Haupt

By Nadine Haupt

December 28, 2023

1 minute read

Satellite view of earth with data points

On Christmas Eve, all over the world, people will be tracking Santa’s sleigh. The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has been tracking Santa for over 60 years, thanks to the ingenuity of Colonel Harry Shoup in 1955. These days, kids can even download an app to their phones to follow the whereabouts of the man in the bright red suit.


NORAD must have been using some type of telematics system to track Santa all these years. This begs the question: what system is NORAD using? Is it HollyTrax? Or ElfNet?


What if the jolly old elf had Geotab vehicle tracking technology?


Imagine if we were able to install a Geotab GO device on Santa’s sleigh! Santa and his team could take advantage of some of these Geotab features:

  • Accurate GPS Location Tracking thanks to Geotab’s patented curve logging method. Parents and children alike could get moment by moment progress updates and see exactly which street and corner he is approaching.
  • Route Optimization — Santa could make those present deliveries on-time with a smart route planning tool that takes traffic into consideration.
  • Roadside Assistance — Santa can’t afford a breakdown with so many children counting on him. With our roadside assistance mobile app, he can get his sleigh back up and running in a flash.
  • Sleigh EfficiencyFuel economy is quite important for trucking fleets. Santa is no different. Our talented solutions engineers will need to create a unique algorithm to monitor the energy spent by each of the reindeer throughout the night. With that data, Santa can plan his refueling stops where there are plenty of carrots available.
  • Notifications & Driver Coaching — Productivity low from too many milk and cookie breaks? Reindeer idle time a little high? Mrs. Claus can use Geotab GO TALK to send Santa some real-time verbal feedback from the North Pole command center.

But what would happen to tracking over the oceans or remote countries with no cellular coverage? No worries! We can simply integrate an Iridium satellite modem to provide a robust data solution in these areas.


The elves packing the sleigh will also be able to optimize their efforts using Geotab and our partners. Using weigh stations around the globe, weight measurements would allow the elves to know precisely when to reload Santa’s sleigh. Don’t forget about temperature tracking to ensure those candy canes don’t freeze.


All the data gathered on this epic night around the globe can later be analyzed to create a more efficient route for next year. We invite Santa to request a demo to learn more!


See also: Taking telematics to the next level: advanced fleet tracking


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Nadine Haupt
Nadine Haupt

Nadine Haupt is an OEM Business Development Manager for Geotab.

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