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man driving a vehicle behind the steering wheel

Cut commercial fleet insurance premiums with safe driving data

Leverage your Geotab data and save money by taking advantage of behavioral-based insurance premiums that reflect your safe driving habits.

Utilize your safe driving habits to get accurate insurance estimates

Take advantage of your safe driving habits when it comes to your commercial vehicle fleet insurance. With Geotab Insurtech Solutions, insurers can review your drivers’ behavioral data, collected by Geotab, to calculate savings. If eligible, you could cut your yearly insurance premium costs.
Woman driving a vehicle with Driver Safety scorecard shown in bottom left

Geotab Insurtech Partners

Incentivize safe driving habits with costs savings

Incentivize drivers to be safer on the road. With Geotab’s driver scorecard, safety benchmarking and coaching Partners, you can be sure that your drivers are operating as safely as possible on the road. Use real-time driving behavior data to save money on your insurance policy while improving your bottom line and controlling total cost of ownership.
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reduction in collisions


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saved in insurance costs annually


Driver safety scorecard in MyGeotab
person checking dashcam view on myGeotab

Protect your fleet with dash cam integrations

Sharing data collected from your Geotab GO device can help save you money across your entire fleet insurance policy. Combining this saving with integrated fleet dash cameras can help exonerate drivers, reduce future vehicle damage costs and provide you with even more insurance subsidies.
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reduction of false insurance claims


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decrease in severe alerts related to driver safety

Plastic Express

Standard commercial auto insurance coverage

What does fleet insurance cover?

What does fleet insurance cover?

Fleet insurance provides coverage for vehicles used to help a business operate. Most basic policies include:

  • Third-party bodily injuries
  • Third-party property damage
  • Damage to your own vehicle
  • Injuries to your own driver
Lorem Ipsum

What if I need more?

Insurance policies offer the flexibility to add on additional coverages based on your needs, including:

  • Collision coverage if your driver is at fault
  • Comprehensive coverage for natural disasters
  • All perils coverage
  • Specific perils coverage
To learn more about what your fleet insurance should cover, explore Geotab Insurtech Solutions.

Usage-based fleet insurance benefits

Save time

Set up your fleet insurance faster and easier than before with a simple three-step process.

Save money

Earn up to 20% savings on your fleet insurance premium based on safe driving behavior.


Better driver coaching

Incentivize drivers to be safer on the road by implementing comprehensive driver coaching solutions.

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Reduce liability

Lessen your chances of collisions and risky driving behavior by bolstering your safety efforts with our partners.


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Streamline your operations

MyGeotab makes it easy to pull safety and operational data in a couple of easy steps for any insurance provider.

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Improve driver safety

Use actionable insights to keep your drivers safe on the road while saving on commercial fleet insurance.

Fleet insurance resources

Case study

D.M. Bowman Inc.: Improve driver safety and get real-time data

“We do have some other ways we can figure out where a truck is, but hands down most of our fleet managers will turn to the Geotab website to quickly locate where a truck is at any given moment [...] We’re constantly trying to figure out more ways to pull data out to continue to improve what’s going on with drivers to reduce our accidents and cost severity”

Barry Wertz, Director of Safety and Risk Management, D. M. Bowman Inc.
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reduction in incident costs

D.M. Bowman Inc. Truck
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Fleet Insurance: The Complete Guide

Want to learn more about the benefits of fleet insurance for your business? Find answers to all of your questions and more in our complete guide, including: 

  • What is fleet insurance? 
  • How much does fleet insurance cost? 
  • What is usage-based insurance? 
  • How to use safety data to cut down on insurance costs

Fleet insurance solutions from Geotab Marketplace

Frequently Asked Questions

As the world’s leading connected vehicle company with over 3 million subscribers, we pride ourselves on delivering quality data so that you can make the right decisions for your fleet every day. These data-driven decisions help propel positive business results such as optimizing fleet productivity, enhancing operational efficiency, improving driving behaviors and lowering premiums.
Fleet insurance covers all types of vehicles that might be used for your business, including cars, trucks, SUVs, long-haul trucks, or any other commercial vehicle that is used for road travel. If you have any questions about a particular type of vehicle in your fleet, reach out to your insurer.
Cost of fleet insurance varies by the Insurance carrier, the size of the business, and the number of vehicles owned. Other factors that can impact the cost of fleet insurance:

• Intended use
• Age, condition and value of vehicles
• Types of vehicles in the fleet
• Policy options — coverages chosen and liability limits
Usage-based insurance uses telematics to pull safety and operational data from vehicles in order to offer lower insurance premiums. By proving your fleet minimizes instances of collisions, harsh cornering and braking, phone usage and harsh acceleration, you can earn up to 20% savings per fleet on your commercial fleet insurance.
Basic coverage for commercial fleets fulfills minimum legal requirements for businesses. There are several options for further protecting your assets. Depending on your business needs, you have options to add collision and comprehensive coverage. State and federal regulations for businesses require that all fleet vehicles used for commercial purposes carry Liability Insurance. The minimum coverage amount varies state to state. Fleets need to familiarize themselves with their state’s requirements to maintain compliance and avoid costly penalties for noncoverage or insufficient coverage. Fleet liability coverage applies to any situation where bodily injury, property damage, or a combination of two occurs.

Key definitions:
Bodily Injury liability: if a vehicle in your fleet causes injury to another person, this type of insurance will cover the damages. Bodily injury coverage will usually include funds for a defense.
Property Damage liability: If a vehicle in your fleet damages another person’s property, you’ll turn to this coverage. Property damage liability generally covers funds for legal defense if your organization is sued over property damage.
Combined Single Limit (CSL) Liability: This coverage option consolidates your policies by providing one overall limit for bodily injury and property damage claims against you rather than two separate limits.
Fleet insurance provides coverage across a fleet of business vehicles. It allows you to insure your fleet under one policy rather than individually and you can either insure all drivers to all vehicles or assign named drivers
Getting an insurance quote through Geotab and our insurance Partners takes three simple steps. Get in touch with the insurance carrier, consent to sharing your fleet's safety and operational data from Geotab and answer a couple of quick questions about your fleet, then review your new policy.
Disclaimer: Geotab makes available but does not endorse any insurance provider programs. Your participation in any program may require sending your telematics data to the insurance provider. Any questions you have about the specific insurance provider program, or their handling of your telematics data should be made directly to the insurance provider. Geotab disclaims all liability for any loss or misuse of your data outside of Geotab’s systems, your choice of insurance provider or program, any insurance related decisions made by insurance provider, or insurance provider’s actions. Geotab may choose to no longer offer a specific insurance provider program at which time Geotab will stop sending your telematics data to that insurance provider.
View last rendered: 03/15/2025 18:46:24