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EU Recycling Program

Geotab is committed to meeting all recycling requirements in the EU.

Geotab has partnered with Take-e-way to provide recycling services throughout most of the EU. This partnership helps the recycling process of Geotab devices for our customers and enables Geotab's compliance with laws and regulations throughout the EU.  Take-e-way offers take-back systems to assure we are compliant in the context of the Extended Producer Responsibility as we register our products according to the regulations for that respective country. 


Currently, we are registered for the following countries and these recycling directives: 

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NOTE: For further information on waste collection systems in the EU, please click here. If you wish to recycle for a country with no recycling hub, please contact Take-e-way or for further assistance. 


Based on the Extended Producer Responsibility, customer’s may bring used Geotab equipment to several recycling centers in the EU at no cost. This is based on the solidarity principle from the take-back system and there will be no additional charges by utilizing the local recycling networks.


Customers who wish to dispose of their devices can ship or deliver them to their local electronics hardware recycler and the cost will be covered by Geotab via the take-back system we are registered with. All monitoring of compliant sales is done by the authorities of the respective country. 


If a customer wishes to dispose of their product but we are not registered for a specific EU directive (ie. Spain- batteries), please contact

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A German company who specializes in solutions for registering in WEEE, packaging and batteries for countries in the EU. They have worked with Geotab in registering us in take-back systems, while we regularly declare our quantities of electronic & electrical products via Take-e-way’s online portal. 

  • The Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policy regulates a producer’s responsibility for a product throughout the product’s life cycle. The producer takes responsibility for financing collection, recycling and end-of-life disposal of WEEE, packaging, batteries and other EPR product categories. 
  • The EPR obligations of a producer are mainly regulated by the followed EU directives: WEEE, Batteries and Packaging directives. 
  • Geotab is considered a producer because we manufacture, import and sell our products that are subject to EPR requirements in respective EU countries.
  • WEEE →  The WEEE Directive (Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment) aims to minimize the negative impact of electronic waste on the environment. It places the responsibility on the producers, suppliers and importers for the collection and recycling of electronic waste. 
  • Packaging → Depending on the legislation of different countries, we must register for Packaging where we are obliged by the national packaging law. 
  • Batteries → Depending on the legislation of different countries, we must register batteries where we are obliged to by the national packaging law. 

Potential consequences could arise if we do not register- this may include prohibition of sales in certain countries, warnings/fines, confiscation of current sales profits and/or detention if we refuse to pay a fine. 

Currently, the EU countries with the highest market value for our devices are registered for. Our goals for the upcoming year will include more registrations in other countries, including any legislative requirements that require Geotab to be registered for a country. 

Some countries do not require full registration for all three directives. Take-e-way advises Geotab regularly on which directives are required to be registered for by communicating with the authorities of the respective countries. 

You may contact or Take-e-way via email at 

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