How-to guides
Looking for additional MyGeotab training resources? You’ve come to the right place.

Vehicles- Overview

Vehicles- View button

Vehicles - Driver feedback

Vehicles - Moving a GO device to another vehicle

Illustration of white buses in a row

Vehicles - Researching historical vehicle location

Map - Vehicle tracking

Map - Map options

Map - Find an address

Maps- Trips reporting

Groups- Overview

Groups - Groups filter for vehicles, zones and users

Zones - Overview

Zones - Customer visits report

Zones - Routing

Rules - Stock rules

Rules - Notifications

Rules - Custom rules

Rules - Exceptions reporting

Activity - Risk management report

Activity - Work hours

Activity - Speed profile

Activity - IFTA reporting

Activity - Drivers congregating report

Activity - Accidents and log data report

Engine and maintenance - Fuel usage

Engine and maintenance - Engine faults

Engine and maintenance - Engine measurements

Engine and maintenance - Setting maintenance reminders

Administration - Users

Administration - Security clearances

Administration - Reporting basics

Administration - Automating reports

Administration - Marketplace reports