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Product integrity and safety policy

Geotab provides sophisticated GPS/telematics based fleet management solutions that enable customers to track and manage fleet productivity, alert drivers to correct and improve their behaviour, and help fleet managers to monitor and promote adherence to fleet driving standards. Geotab is a leader in innovation and strives to design, manufacture, and distribute all products with the goal of advancing safety for product users, our employees, and the public at large.

In order to ensure the integrity and safety of our products, Geotab will:

• Establish and maintain programs to assure that laws and regulations applicable to our products and operations are known and followed;
• Adopt our own standards where laws or regulations may not be adequately protective or where laws do not exist.

In order to carry out this policy, Geotab will:

• Strive to integrate product features that improve safety and reduce the environmental footprint of vehicle transportation systems.
• Conduct product integrity and safety programs that cover the complete product life cycle to reduce risk of injury.
• Identify and control health, safety and environmental hazards from our operations and products.
• Act as a technology innovator, and conduct and support appropriate research about the safety and environmental effects of products handled and sold by us and share promptly any significant findings with interested stakeholders such as employees, suppliers, customers and government agencies.
• Work constructively with trade associations, government agencies and other stakeholders to develop practical and effective laws, regulations and standards that will serve to protect public health, safety and the environment.

Every employee is expected to adhere to the letter and the spirit of this policy. Managers and supervisors have a special obligation to keep themselves informed about health, safety, and environmental risks and standards and to advise Geotab senior management promptly if any situation that may threaten health and safety comes to their attention.

Neil Cawse
View last rendered: 03/14/2025 15:52:15