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Aug 30, 2023

How to Run an IFTA Report | Fleet Compliance


The International Fuel Tax Agreement (known as IFTA) is an arrangement between the 48 contiguous American states and 10 Canadian provinces concerning the reporting and taxing of motor fuels used by interjurisdictional carriers operating heavy commercial vehicles

Fleets must follow the IFTA reporting guidelines to maintain fleet compliance and avoid costly fines and penalties.

Under IFTA, these carriers must report the amount of fuel consumed and the distance travelled in each jurisdiction The carrier then reports and pays motor fuel taxes to each single jurisdiction The member jurisdictions, which are the respective states and provinces, handle the sharing of tax revenues

With MyGeotab’s IFTA report, distance traveled by jurisdiction for each vehicle is automatically calculated Fuel card data can easily be imported, rather than calculated manually based on receipts
Before running the IFTA report, it is essential to ensure the health of vehicles in the fleet This can be done with either the Watchdog Report, or the Telematics Device Issue Report, and the IFTA Troubleshooting Report found in the Geotab Marketplace

From the main menu select, “Activity”, then“IFTA Report” Under options, select the desired date range for the report, which is typically run on a monthly or quarterly basis Select all applicable vehicles and click “Apply Changes”

The default fuel tax report displays distances traveled per jurisdiction
Click the “View” button at the top of the page and select “Advanced” The advanced IFTA report displays distances traveled as well as fuel transaction data, which can be imported into MyGeotab either manually or automatically Each Fuel Import record is assigned, according to the transaction date and time, to a jurisdiction The combined amount of fuel transactions during a jurisdiction trip are reported as Fuel Purchased

Select the PDF or Excel icon to download the report

Geotab also offers a custom Marketplace report called the “IFTA Troubleshooting Report” This report is designed to look for variances between GPS and odometer data and help review your IFTA data prior to submission Download this free custom report from geotabcom/marketplace

You have successfully run an IFTA report

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